- The Final Fantasy Haven- - Limit Break Guides -
Cloud Strife Omnislash Fight in the Battle Arena at Gold Saucer until you get at least 32,000 battle points. The points can be exchanged at the Battle Arena for the Omnislash Limit Break.
Barret Wallace Catastrophe Revisit North Corel once Meteor has been summaoned and speak to the lady in the middle house on the west side of town. She'll give Cloud the Catastrophe for Barret's Limit Break.
Tifa Lockheart Final Heaven After reaching Nibelheim, take Tifa to her house and play the song from Cloud's flashback at the Kalm Inn. The song is: Do-Re-Mi-Ti-La Do-Re-Mi-So-Fa-Do-Re-Do, or hit
 When finished with the tune, press Start and Tifa will say she has the sheet music for that song. Inside the sheet music she finds a note and her Final Heaven Limit Break. This trick can be preformed during Disc 2 and 3.
Aeris Gainsborough Great Gospel Speak with the sleeping old man near Junon when you've fought a number of battles where the last two digits of the number are the same. He'll give you a piece of Mythril that can be exchanged to the Weapons Seller (East of Gongaga Village and across a small lake South-West of North Corel and the Gold Saucer) to open and keep the items in one of his two boxes. The first box is a large wooden box next to the bed that contains a normal item (Armor) and the second is a small box upstairs contains Aeris' Great Gospel Limit Break. (NOTE: You can always rest here for FREE.)
Red XIII Cosmo Memory To get Red XIII's Cosmo Memory Limit Break, you must defeat the Lost Number Boss in the Shinra Mansion. This requires you to open a safe on the second floor of the house. Walk in the Mansion, go up the stairs and go right. Then at the next screen go to the room on the right and a safe will be at the top of the room. The Combonation is, Right 36, Left 10, Right 59, Right 97 Press the Circle button to enter a digit. NOTE: Don't go past ANY number while entering the combo or it won't work!
Cid Highwind Highwind After getting the submarine, locate the crashed Shinra Plane (The Gelnika). Which is off the shore of the Gold Saucer. Inside the cargo bay, you'll find Cid's Highwind Limit Break.
Yuffie Kisaragi All Creation Yuffie will get her All Creation Limit Break when she defeats Godo, her father, at the top of the Pagoda of the Five Mighty Gods on the island of Wutai. NOTE: These battles are hard so don't go to get them until Yuffie, who must fight these battles alone, is at a high level.
Cait Sith Slots Cait Sith doesn'y have a Final Limit Break. But his last Limit Break can do a number of things life instant death to party or enemies ect. But if you continue to hit the SQUARE button the slot machine slows down and you can get your chocie of Limit. Don't get First two pieces of Cait Sith's face and a bar at the end or it's GAME OVER. Some say that if you preform the same Slot 255 times in a row you can get a NEW LIMIT BREAK, but this is just a false rumor.
Vincent Valentine Chaos After getting the submarine or Gold Chocobo, you can reach Lucrecia's Cave, which is found behind a waterfall at a lagoon in the Nibel area. Visit the cave in Disc 2 with Vincent in your party and then re-visit the cave during Disc 3 with Vincent in your party and you'll get his Chaos Limit Break. You have to go up to the light at the top of the screen and try to talk to it. Lucrecia's Ghost will speak to Vincent and give him the Chaos Limit and his ultimate weapon, the Death Penalty.